In a household fire, 2-3 breaths of toxic fumes is all it takes to render someone unconscious. Death quickly follows.
These 10 simple tips will help you prevent house fires and if they do, will keep your family safe.
1. Store Matches and Lighters Away
Keep matches, lighters and flammable items locked away and out of the reach of small children. A child that gets access to matches or a lighter, might not realise that this new “toy” with the pretty light is definitely not something to be played with.
2. Check Electrical Appliances and Leads
If you have small children, cover electrical sockets. Except for the risk of electrical shock, certain items stuck into the sockets could cause a fire. Check the wires of your electrical appliances. Replaces worn wires as soon as possible and rather don’t use that appliance until the wire is repaired. Exposed or frayed wires can cause an electrical short which in turn could start a fire. Extension cables should not be used in high traffic areas. It is a hazard that can cause a person to trip, but also can be worn out by constantly being stepped on. Leads should also not be put under carpets or other flammable material. Electricity does cause heat, which could lead to being an ignition source for a fire.
3. Fit a Smoke Alarm
Fitting a smoke alarm is an easy and affordable way to ensure the safety of your family. They serve to give you an advanced warning against a fire before it’s completely out of control. Contact Fire Ops SA to find out more about our range of high-quality affordable smoke detectors.
4. Make and Practise an Escape Plan
As a family, discuss an escape plan for the situation when a fire occurs in the house. Practise and explain this to all family members, ensuring everyone knows by heart what to do. Regular practice of your escape plan and routes will help you and your family members remain calm and safe during a fire in your home.
5. Get Fire Safety Equipment. It’s an Investment.
Getting fire extinguishers and fire blankets for your home is an investment. However, make sure that you know exactly how and when to use any fire safety equipment that you purchase. Incorrect usage might cause injury. Get advice on the proper usage and which equipment is the most appropriate.
6. Arrange a Fire Safety Inspection
Arrange to have your home inspected by fire safety services. These professionals can give you life-saving advice on ensuring you keep your family safe.
7. Know Your Fire Emergency Contact Numbers
When a fire breaks out in your home time is something that you cannot waste. Knowing the number to call in case of a fire can save lives and lessen the damage to property.
Fire Ops SA offers the LominaSOS app for both Android and iOS phones. With this app, it can take as little as 60 seconds for Fire Ops SA to be provided with the information they need to assist you.