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Fire in Muldersdrift area: Estimated 2 000 hectares burnt down

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Emergency services battled a raging fire on Monday in which an estimated 2 000 hectares burned down.

A devastating fire spread through the Muldersdrift area on Monday.

Gerhard Nieuwoudt, Mogale City’s Emergency Services regional station commander explained that a fire started in Danielsrus at about 11:30 today, August 2. Strong winds and a red FDA rating saw the fire moving in a northwesterly direction toward the R563.

The fire then spread to Mount Savannah Game Lodge where it spread so fast it reached the lodges. It is believed that six thatch roof structures burnt down, and other structures were damaged as well.

Nieuwoudt said an estimated 2 000 hectares had burnt down, and that the fire was under control.

He said no reports of injuries sustained as a result of the fire have been received yet.

Among the services on scene were the West Rand District Municipality fire services, Fire Ops SA, Conserv Security, Weltevreden FPA, Muldersdrift FPA, and Netcare 911. Numerous farmers also helped to fight the fire.